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The LILWA News is a publication produced by the Long Island Liquid Waste Association Inc. and is distributed to its members quarterly. This vibrant publication provides members of LILWA with letters from the Chapter President, informative articles written by industry professionals and service providers, updates on current legislation, opportunities for licensing certification and contact hours, as well as affiliated business advertising. The Chapter strives to provide our members with timely information and tools needed to keep them informed on issues that impact our industry and those relevant to our customers. The Newsletter Committee is always open to suggestions and in search of new material to share and publish. Contributed articles should be educational, non-promotional in nature, and have a suggested word count between 500 and 1,500 words. LILWA reserves the right to edit articles to conform to content and space requirements. If you are interested in submitting an article for possible inclusion, please contact our Executive Director, Thomas Gallagher at

Quarterly Deadlines 
Spring Issue - March 15                    S
ummer Issue - June 15     

Autumn Issue -  September 15            Winter Issue - December 15​

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Blue Dots


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